
Eye Lid Surgery


At Aesthetic Institute, a division of The Eye Institute of West Florida, patients from all over Tampa Bay experience the benefits of having eyelid surgery performed at Aesthetic Institute.

Eyelids are frequently the first indicators of aging. Droopy and puffy eyelids can make you look tired, angry, or older than you feel. 

For a youthful, natural appearance, rejuvenate your eyelids. In some cases, vision that once may have been partially blocked by excessive skin is restored.

About Blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty, often called eyelid surgery, can be performed on the upper and lower lids. Our doctors will create your personal rejuvenation plan to determine the best approach for your face and eyes to recapture your youth.

What is Blepharoplasty?

Eyelid surgery is a procedure to reshape the eyelids for either functional and/or cosmetic purposes. Removing, repositioning, or reshaping excessive skin and underlying fatty tissue around the eye may give patients improved peripheral vision and a more youthful appearance.

How is Eyelid Surgery Performed?

Discreet incisions are made in the natural folds and creases of the lids to lift and tighten both the upper and lower eyelids and to contour fat deposits. Excess fat, muscle, and skin may be removed.

During lower eyelid surgery, the incision is made inside the eyelid. Excess fat and skin are removed or repositioned as necessary. Scarring is minimal and the incision lines typically fade within a few months of surgery.

Procedures may be done awake or with sedation, depending on your personal need and desires.

Why Choose Aesthetic Institute?

Your surgeon’s skills are critical when working with the delicate areas of the face and eyes.

Dr. Our surgeons are board-certified and have extensive training in the complexities of soft tissue and bone in relations to the facial muscles, eyelid, and orbital anatomy.

Schedule a consult today to share your aesthetic goals and desires. Her warm personality will make you feel at ease.

Enjoy A More Youthful Appearance

Before and After Procedure Photos